Letters And Numbers


Ray's Letters and Numbers  v.2 2

A great way to teach the alphabet, numbers, counting, simple spelling, keyboard skills and much more. Simple, entertaining, educational games which your child will want to play again and again.

Letters and Address Book

Simple and basic word processing and address book software perfect for seniors and kids. Simple, oversized buttons, bold easy to read text, and a basic set of features that make it an easy to learn word processing and address book program.

Address ...


Sebran's ABC  v.1 40

It's never too early for your child to become familiar with letters and numbers. Sebran's ABC's colorful pictures, pleasant music, and gentle games teach letters, numbers, simple math, and rudiments of reading. Sebran runs in Afrikaans, Breton, Croatian, ...

Copy This!  v.1.0

Copy This! lets users practice receiving letters and numbers spoken through the phonetic alphabet. Letters and digits can be randomly generated or drawn from a word file.

FREE Games For Kids  v.

Thank to Tiger Nono teach your kids about shapes colours letters and numbers !

Baby Phonics (Pre-K)  v.

Teach your little one letters and numbers now on Windows Phone. The full version supports two different voices as well as the full alphabet. Buy the full version to receive future voices added including different accents.

Kid tested approved ...

Memoriam  v.

Rules are very easy: you memorize some letters and numbers at screen and then you repeat the sequence in correct order.

That's all! Have fun!

BabySmash7  v.

BabySmash7 is a wp7 based version of Scott Hanselmans children’s game ‘BabySmash‘

“As babies smash on the phone, colored shapes, letters and numbers appear on the screen” ...

Games for Kids  v.

Thank to Tiger Nono teach your kids about shapes colours letters and numbers !

v2.0 add letter menu
v2.1 add a zero in numbers menu
v2.2 add spanish language
v2.3 Live tiles and add German ...

Spelling Alphabet  v.1.0

Quickly translate letters and numbers to the NATO spelling alphabet!Eliminate mistakes when reading an address a serial or phone number by using the spelling alphabet. For example, "ABC" becomes "Alpha Bravo Charlie".• Easily trans ...

Kids Color Game  v.

TraceLetter game has letters and numbers for kids to trace with their fingers. It includes upcase and lower case letter and numbers.
Color mixing game give kids a chance to mix Red, Green and Blue color to different colors.

Excel Delete Replace and Remove Special Text Spaces and Characters from Multiple Cells Software Soft  v.9.0

, everything else other than letters and numbers) * All text characters * A custom set of characters, and/or custom phrasePlus, using this software, you can: * Specify 'where' the text should be removed from * I.e., excel whitespace can be ...

Personalised Letters  v.

Create your very own personalized Father Christmas (Santa Claus), Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Valentines letters and stop here signs. Enter ANY first name(eg. Laura) and this Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa Letter software will then generate a personalized ...

Cosmic Numbers  v.

Numerology is the perfect mix of science and numbers.Cosmic Numbers 2012 is a Numerology based application that prepares full customized horoscope,daily predictions and interprets it in simple terms for you.Just provide us your date and time of birth.

Fun With Letters  v.

[The game will appear in the Games Hub after installing]

(This game was developed and designed by a teacher)
A fun way for your child to learn and practice letters and their phonetic sounds.

Very helpful for children from the ages ...

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