Fingerprint Personality Test


MB Personality Plus

MB Personality Plus is a personality profile test based on the four key personality profiles. This test not only shows your dominant personality type but also shows how you interact with people. MB Personality Plus is based on the personality Plus Test ...

MB Color Test

MB Free Color Test is a highly accurate and easy to use software that provides a fairly accurate analysis of your personality. This software is based on the fundamental principle of colors representing your changing moods and hidden desires, which will ...


Accurate Personality Quiz  v.1.0

Personality quiz amazing in its accuracy. The program analyzes sequence of colors that you choose during the test (your choise is based on your current subliminal state). It is one of the most accurate personality tests for today, give it a try, it is ...

PodSonality  v.1.1

With PodSonality you're able to create your own personality tests for your iPod.Simply fill in some questions, the results and the explanation of your test and let PodSonality create the test for you. Aerosol Software. Aerosol software offers free Software ...

Enneagram Pro

Enneagram Pro is essentially a fairly accurate method of character analysis, using nine different but interconnected psychological types of the human personality. In this context, we are truly proud to present Enneagram Pro which is wonderfully informative ...

MB Enneagram Software

MB Free Enneagram Software is an interactive and interesting tool to judge your personality and analyze your nature. It is principally a diagnostic tool for one's emotional and expressive outlook on life, which empowers to understand better about self ...

MB Free Graphology

It is with the help of this software that you come to know yourself better; it tells you about your nature, your personality, your positive and negative traits, your behavior and much more.

MB Graphology

It is with the help of this software that you come to know yourself better; it tells you about your nature, your personality, your positive and negative traits, your behavior and much more.

MB Free Enneagram Software  v.1 95

It allows you to identify which 'type' of passion dominates your personality.

MB Learn Graphology

MB Free Learn Graphology is an interesting software that helps one learn more about the study of handwriting. This is a free graphology or handwriting analysis learning and testing software. It is an advanced yet simple and handy program that helps you ...

MB Japanese Astrology Suite

MB Japanese Astrology Suite is a collection of Japanese astrology based on animals, astrology based on blood type and Kanji divination tools. The software tells you more about your characteristics as well as the level of compatibility with people of other ...

IFSPainter  v.1.0

IFSPainter is a program to create and save awesome graphics, based on iterated functionsystems (IFS). The graphics are fractals made up of the union of several copies of itself, each copy being transformed by a function. The best example is the "Sierpinski ...

Personality Number Test  v.

Developed by My Apps Submission

One of the interesting personal numerology numbers is the personality number.
Find your characteristics of number by entering your date of birth. You will more understand on yourself !!!

MB Sleeping Position Test

MB Sleeping Position Test analyzes your personality on the basis of your sleeping position. Your Sleeping Position tells you a lot about your personality. Know what your subconscious has to tell about your nature and behavior with the help of this software.

The love test

A personality and love test.A very interesting program which reveals your personality and love.

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