Action Research Papers


Mendeley Desktop

Mendeley is a free, award-winning, desktop and web program for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data and collaborating online. It combines Mendeley Desktop, a PDF and reference management application (available for Windows, Mac ...

PDF OwnerGuard (Personal Edition)

With PDF OwnerGuard you can Create, Edit, Distribute and Sell your valuable Documents, EBooks, Trade Secrets, Research Papers, Reports or any other kind of Information in PDF format while OwnerGuard protects Digital Ownership Rights for them. This product ...


PDF Split & Merge

your search is end now if you want to split more complex PDF documents (company brochures, white papers, e-books ,research papers etc )in few clicks then you can obtain SysTools PDF Split & Merge software and divide or split large PDF files by custom ...

SmartDoc  v.

SmartDoc is a really smart way of automatically organizing your documents library - from PDF books to scanned documents and research papers.

Using Machine learning it can learn your existing library structure and without any effort seamlessly ...

PDF OwnerGuard Personal  v.11. 5. 2001

PDF Security OwnerGuard is the ultimate Security, DRM, Copy Protection, Licensing, Watermarking and Distribution Management solution for Adobe PDF Documents (EBooks, Trade Secrets, Research Papers, Reports )
This product is made specially for the ...

Line Reader  v.2 3

Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed by pages and pages of online text, like what you find in research papers, news magazine articles, and technical documentation? As you scroll through these long documents, you find yourself losing your spot, rereading ...

TakeNote!  v.2.0

This program is an information management tool for people who write research papers. It integrates note-taking, outlining and bibliographic reference management program into one package.

Publications Map  v.0.5

Adobe Flex based software for online mapping of research papers ...

Research Tool

the ultimate research tool that you only need to research everything in your school reports, thesis, and everything you need to research on all by yourself. It always stay in your browser as a toolbar, great for research work, assignments, homeworks, ...

RightNote  v.2.2.0

What is RightNote and how can it help you?

Here's a quick explanation: We all have to deal with bits and pieces of information on a daily basis: phone numbers of contacts, passwords, to-do lists, webpage snippets, research papers, accounting ...

Line Reader Software  v.7.0

This software offers a solution to users who want to change the mouse pointer into an easily visible line that will help guide the eye when reading documents. Line width and height can be set using two sliders and there is an option to position the mouse ...

Python Read PDF  v.2024.2.2

Whether handling reports, research papers, or any other PDF content, this library elevates your PDF reading capabilities. Unleash the full potential of the Python PDF Library and revolutionize your approach to handling and extracting information from ...

Chikrii Softlab Word2TeX  v.5.0

Using Word2TeX in conjunction with Microsoft Word, you can easily create articles, technical reports, research papers, dissertations and even entire books for such hard and not always comfortable markup-based system as LaTeX. It doesn't, in fact, require ...

PDF OwnerGuard  v.7 6

So that you can sell and distribute your valuable Documents, EBooks, Trade Secrets, Research Papers, Reports or any other kind of Information in PDF format while OwnerGuard protects digital rights for them. This product is made specially for publishers ...

Precurio  v.2

- Content management / Articles / Research papers, e.t.c
- Opinion Poll
- Social Features such as , birthday reminders, featured employee, photo upload and comments and microblogging
- Instant Messaging / Chat
- Events directory

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