Software Developed by eTopping Software

Save to CHM

Saving the pages, Internet Explorer creates lots of complimentary files. Saving ten pages from a site, it creates hundreds files. After a few weeks of active work you have many files with long unacceptable names. Trying to copy these files to another

Outlook Message Autofill

Message Autofill is the Outlook add-on program that enables the monitoring of the CC, BCC, TO and SUBJECT fields automatic filling. In that case the filling parameters' setting is rather flexible. For example, it's possible to add one or several addresses

Image Zoom

Many wed masters and designers start creating a new project make the researches on other sites. Finding an interesting graphics, he opens it in Adobe Photoshop or other image editor to see the graphic structure (small images should be enlarged to see how

HTML Elements

A modern web site page has a a complicated structure that is hard to reveal. Frequently, it is required to find all the pictures URLs, to extract all the links from the page or to see the attached CSS style sheet.

History Search

Do not you remember the situations when you can not remind on which site you saw an interesting thing the other days? It could be an important news or an article. Opening the History in browser you see a list of hundreds visited sites. How many hours you

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