Software Developed by Sharpeware Ltd

SPACEWatch pro

Sharpeware has released SPACEWatch 5, a major product update that provides a comprehensive toolset to search and analyse network space use quickly and easily on local and remote systems; pinpointing unexpected and unwanted files and directories as well as

SPACEWatch Enterprise Edition

SPACEWatch Pro 5 Enterprise Edition is a major new version of this storage management tool that allows IT staff to pinpoint storage misuse and waste across their organisation, addressing compliance, improving network reliability and reducing storage and

ProLibra  v.2.0

ProLibra is a program that keeps teams in control of their documents, without the need for complex databases or maintenance. ProLibra users can organise their documents using information already stored in those documents - and combine this with

NETWatch  v.3 1

NetWatch is a program that keeps IT staff informed about their network infrastructure - wherever they are! Designed for Microsoft Windows, Novell NetWare, UNIX and a range of Internet services such as web servers,

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