Software Developed by Hexa Software Development Center

USA ZIP Code Weather Station Database

United States ZIP codes database subscription service includes the nearest weather observation station code and name, ZIP code, city name, alias name, state code, phone area code, county name, FIPS, time zone, day light saving flag, latitude,

US ZIP Code Demographics

United States ZIP codes database one month subscription service. The database includes educational attainment, marital status, household incomes, occupation, unemployment, poverty rate, races, ages, ZIP code, city name, alias name, state code,

US ZIP Code Database Mixed Case Edition

ZIPCodeWorld United States Gold Edition with Mixed Case City Name ZIP Codes Database includes 5-Digit ZIP code, city name, alias name, state code, phone area code, city type, county name, FIPS, time zone, day light saving flag, latitude,

US ZIP Code Business Patterns Database

ZIPCodeWorld United States Business Patterns Edition includes number of establishments, number of employees, first quarter payroll, annual payroll and industry information by ZIP code as published by US Census 2005, 5-Digit ZIP code, city name,

North American Area Code Database (Premium Edition)

North American area codes database one month subscription service. Included in this database is NPA (area code), NXX (exchange), country, state, county, latitude, longitude, LATA, timezone, day light saving, population, FIPS, MSA, PMSA, CBSA and

North American Area Code Database (Gold Edition)

North American area codes database one month subscription service. Included in this database is NPA (area code), NXX (exchange), country, state, county, latitude, longitude, LATA, timezone, day light saving, population, FIPS, MSA, PMSA, CBSA, ZIP

North American Area Code Database (Basic Edition)

North American area codes database one month subscription service. Complete telecommunications database targeted specifically toward disseminating all valid NPA/NXX combinations in the North American Numbering Plan. It covers all active North

Mexico Postal Code Platinum Edition

Mexico Cdigo Postal database one month subscription service. The database includes postal code, city name, colony name, municipal name, state abbreviation, state name, latitude and longitude, time zone and area code in Mexico. The complete

Mexico Postal Code Database (Gold Edition) January  v.20

Mexico postal codes database one month subscription service. The database includes postal code, city name, colony name, state abbreviation, state name, latitude and longitude, time zone and area code in Mexico.

Mexico Postal Code Database (Gold Edition)

Mexico postal codes database one month subscription service. The database includes postal code, city name, colony name, state abbreviation, state name, latitude and longitude, time zone and area code in Mexico. The complete database contains over

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