


EasyG723.1 is an implementation of ITU G.723.1.  EasyG723.1 support multiple channels concurrent. There is no limit in concurrent channels and it can up to thousands channels.

EasyG723.1 is a 6.3kbps/5.3kbps coder that encodes/decodes speech signal. The coder operates on speech frames of 30 ms, corresponding to 240 samples at a sampling rate of 8000

samples/sec. In addition to the 30 ms speech frame duration, there is also a look-ahead delay of 7.5 ms, resulting in a total initial algorithmic delay of 37.5ms.


EasyG723.1 codec specifications



Bit rate (kbps)



Speech sampling rate(Hz)



Frame duration (ms)



Look-ahead delay (ms)



Samples in one Frame



Frame size before encode(bytes)



Frame size after encode(bytes)




EasyG723.1 has a binary release version on Windows and Linux. The source code of EasyG723.1 is written by C/C++, so you can easily port it to UNIX, PPC,DSP, Vxworks or other operation system that support C/C++.





This document


Win32 statically linkable library of G723.1 for Pentium and compatible processors.


Linux statically linkable library of G723.1 for Pentium and compatible processors.


API prototypes and constants declarations required by the sample programs.

test_encode directory

Microsoft VC6.0 sample application and Linux GCC sample application. Demonstrating encoder API calls to the codec for encoding a speech file.

test_decode directory

Microsoft VC6.0 sample application and Linux GCC sample application. Demonstrating decoder API calls to the codec for decoding a speech file.


The encoder requires raw 16-bit mono PCM speech data sampled at 8000 Hz as input, i.e., without any header information. For every speech frame, consisting of 240*16 bit (480 bytes) samples



The codec complexity is represented as percentage of CPU usage, and is as follows when tested on an Intel 800 MHz Celeron-MMX:

Encoder 8% CPU time

Decoder 3% CPU time



The sample programs under test_encode directory and test_decode directory are used to simulate the encoder and decoder, and demonstrate how to initialize and call the encoding and decoding process. The encoder and decoder are run as follows (where infile and outfile are raw 16 bit PCM files sampled at 8 kHz):

    EasyG7231_encoder  infile bitstream

EasyG7231_decoder bitstream outfile


To build the speech encoder (or decoder) sample programs on Windows, you can open TEST_ENCODE.dsw or TEST_DECODE.dsw with VC6.0 or later version. After compiler and link, it will create the execute program of test_encode.exe or  test_decode.exe, you can test it with following command.

    test_encode test.pcm test.cod

test_decode test.cod test.pcm


To build the speech encoder (or decoder) sample programs on Linux, you only need rum make command. After you successfully finished make command, you can run make run to test encoder and decoder.







Initializes the memory needed by the encoding process. This function must be called prior to opening or re-opening a channel.



#include EasyG7231.h


CODER_HANDLE EasyG7231_init_encoder(bool bUseRate63 );




bUseRate63    If set to true, then use G.723.1 6.3kbps

                       If set to false, then use G.723.1 5.3kbps


Returned value

Return a handle that represent an encode channel, this value will used at EasyG7231_encoder and EasyG7231_release_encoder






Encode an 240 words speech frame into a 24/20 bytes packed bit stream.



#include EasyG7231.h


bool   EasyG7231_encoder(CODER_HANDLE hEncoder, short *speech, unsigned char *bitstream);




hEncoder       The coder handle returned by EasyG7231_init_encoder

speech            Input speech buffer containing one frame of 16-bit PCM speech data.

Bitstream       Output bit stream buffer containing packed bit stream.


Returned value

Return true if successful, return false if failed.







release the memory allocated by the encoding process. This function must be called before you quit your program. If not, it will cause the memory leak.



#include EasyG7231.h


bool   EasyG7231_release_encoder(CODER_HANDLE hEncoder);




hEncoder       The coder handle returned by EasyG7231_init_encoder


Returned value

Return true if successful, return false if failed.






Initializes the memory needed by the decoding process. This function must be called prior to opening or re-opening a channel.



#include EasyG7231.h


CODER_HANDLE EasyG7231_init_decoder(bool bUseRate63 );




bUseRate63    If set to true, then use G.723.1 6.3kbps

                       If set to false, then use G.723.1 5.3kbps


Returned value

Return a handle that represent an decode channel, this value will used at EasyG7231_decoder and EasyG7231_release_decoder






Decodes a 24/20 bytes packed bit stream into an 240 words speech frame.



#include EasyG7231.h


bool   EasyG7231_decoder(CODER_HANDLE hDecoder, unsigned char *bitstream, short *synth_short );




hDecoder       The decoder handle returned by EasyG7231_init_decoder

bitstream         Input buffer containing packed bit-stream.

synth_short     Output buffer containing one frame of decoded 16 bits PCM.


Returned value

Return true if successful, return false if failed.







release the memory allocated by the decoding process. This function must be called before you quit your program. If not, it will cause the memory leak.



#include EasyG7231.h


bool   EasyG7231_release_decoder(CODER_HANDLE hDecoder);




hDecoder       The coder handle returned by EasyG7231_init_decoder


Returned value

Return true if successful, return false if failed.





Here are some frequently asked questions about the EasyG723.1.


Q — Is the implementation of G.723.1 interoperable with the other company’s version?

A — The implementation of EasyG.723.1 is fully conform to ITU G.723.1, It can interoperate with other G.723.1 implementations.


Q — What type of speech input format is required?

A — Raw 16-bit mono PCM sampled at 8000Hz. Do not use .WAV files. They contain a header that will produce distortion at the start of a decoded audio sample because the encoder interprets the header as speech data.


Q — How can I convert my .WAV files to raw 16 bit mono PCM sampled at 8000 Hz?

A — Use an audio editing tool such as SoX - Sound eXchange. See home.sprynet.com/~cbagwell/sox.html for more information


Q — Can I get link on platforms other than Pentium or compatible?

A — The object code provided in this package is Microsoft Win32 and Linux x86 compatible, it is compiled for the Pentium family of processors. If you want to use EasyG723.1 on other platforms, you should buy the source code of EasyG723.1. Then you can compile and link.


Q — Is the EasyG723.1 codec able to handle multiple channels?

A — Yes, It can handle multiple channels. There is no limited.


Q — Is the EasyG723.1 codec free to use?

A — No, The version you get freely is a version only for test. If you want to use it in commercial, you must buy it from www.imtelephone.com. This version has the same function with the formal release version, but It can only run 60 hours continuously.


Q — How much does the EasyG723.1 codec cost?

A — The object code of Windows or Linux is $2000/year. The source code is $40000. You can buy it from www.imtelephone.com.




Click to download Win32/Linux trial version and samples


Click to download Win32/Linux optimized trial version and samples,it is 10 times fast than unoptimized version.


Click to download PPC trial version and samples


Click to download the document


Click to buy the Win32 binary library(one year)


Click to buy the Win32 binary library(no time limitation)


Click to buy the Linux binary library(one year)


Click to buy the Linux binary library(no time limitation)


Click to buy the Win32 optimized binary library(one year)


Click to buy the Win32 optimized binary library(no time limitation)


Click to buy the Linux optimized binary library(one year)


Click to buy the Linux optimized binary library(no time limitation)


Click to buy the source code


Click to buy the optimized source code





About us 
Imtelephone.com is a professional company focus on audio communication in IP network and PSTN. We research and develop audio solution on various platforms. We provide the Win32/Linux library or source code for audio/video codec.


Contact us
USA Office: +1-518-641-1399
UK Office: +44-020-7558-8816


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