Software Developed by

SwapButton  v.1.0

wapButton enable users to switch the functionality of the mouse buttons.

NumConverter  v.1.0

Displays the decimal, hexadecimal and binary values of a number. NumConverter can calculate the decimal, hexadecimal and binary values for a number of your choice. The software asks you to enter a value whose first character indicates the format :'d

MycView  v.1.5.16

Small image viewer (JPEG, GIF, BMP, DIB, PPM, LST, TXT, SLD). The software cycles through all images in the current directory or given as a parameter. Progress can operate in manual or automatic. Only the Win32 API functions are used,

MD5Sum Freeware  v.1.0

Calculates the md5sum of a file. MD5Sum is a small software calculates the md5sum of a file. Usage: md5sum.exe "[Full

FileDate  v.1.0

FileDate is a command line utility , can display the dates of files or compare them. Usage: filedate.exe /[ACWS] ref_file [test_file] A = last Access time C = Creation time W = last Write time (defaut) S = file Size Date format:

EnumWin  v.1.0

EnumWin is a command line utility , it can list the title of the open windows on your computer. Usage enumwin.exe ["window name"] [/s] - Without parameters, returns a list of open windows in the current session. - With the "window name" followed by

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