Software Developed by Learn Spanish

Learn Spanish Are You Too Old To Learn

I dont know how old you are, but I am well past retirement age. I have experienced cataract surgery on both eyes, have glaucoma and even had a heart attack. So you see I am not at my peak of physical condition or age to say the least. One day I decided

Learn Spanish and Speak Espanol

Learn Spanish and Speak Espanol is a revolutionary and award winning new system for learning Spanish designed by language experts. The program contains personalized lessons that give special attention to every day language and pronunciation. Users have

Learn Spanish - Where Do I Find Time

Multitasking is a buzz word for todays world. If you have the time it is nice to be able to do one thing at a time. But when we work, have a family, friends, church, civic groups,children,grandchildren and on and on and on, just where do we find the time

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