Software Developed by EgyFirst Software, inc.

Top Paying Keywords (by traffic)

Traffic is what brings the people to your website. It does not matter what you have to offer them, it is necessary to get you noticed and move your website higher on the list of searches. With high paying keywords this is possible. High paying keywords

Top Paying Keywords (by price)

Why not give it a try and see how far it can take you. There is nothing to loose except the traffic to your website that is doing nothing for you. Why stand by and make only a few pennies when you could be making a few dollars with every click. Not only

Top Paying Keywords (by category)

When you have a website, your ultimate goal is to make as much money as you can with the smallest amount of work. With top paying keywords, you can do this easily. You can take hours of your time and search through mounds of keywords not suited to what

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